Honoring Heroes: Our Exclusive Discounts for Military, First Responders, and Teachers

Honoring Heroes: Our Exclusive Discounts for Military, First Responders, and Teachers

As a military family, extending gratitude through discounts has been a heartfelt aspiration since the inception of Old Cumberland Co. A year into our journey, we are thrilled to announce that we can now offer a token of appreciation to those who serve our country and communities.

Serving in the military requires a unique kind of person, and we understand that it's no easy feat for the families standing behind them. Having experienced the challenges firsthand, with my husband's retirement from the Marine Corps, I recognize the nomadic lifestyle that comes with it. Never staying in one place for more than three years, we gained a deep appreciation for the sacrifices made by military families.

Our commitment to honoring heroes extends beyond the military to encompass first responders—brave individuals from law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services. Additionally, we extend our gratitude to the unsung heroes in our education system—teachers, who play a vital role in shaping our society's future.

About the Discount:
Once verified, you'll receive a generous 25% discount code applicable to any one-time purchase. This discount, however, does not apply to subscription services. We believe in making your experience special, and while you can use the code for any purchase, we kindly request customers to limit themselves to one coupon per 24-hour period. (Get Verified Here)

Your sacrifices and contributions do not go unnoticed. Old Cumberland Co. aims to express our heartfelt appreciation through these exclusive discounts, a small token of gratitude for the immense impact you have on our lives and communities.

Thank you for your service, dedication, and unwavering commitment.

Warm regards,
Cynthia (and Josh)

Owner, Old Cumberland Co


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